About Me

My name is Timothy Taylor and I live in Palo Pinto County, Texas. One of the poorest counties in Texas. I am a special education teacher and I am using this degree to advance to other positions in the area such as ARD Coordinator and someday SPED Director. 

Some of the technology that I have used in my classroom is Google Classroom. I am personally not a fan of this platform because of how limited it is. I have used Google Classroom for most of my career so I don’t really have knowledge of other platforms. 

Another technology that I use in my classroom is YouTube kids. I am a big fan of some of the funny videos that are on there and the my students are a fan of Blippy and Ms. Rachel. I also like to play classical music as well. 

Some fun facts about me, I have a four year old daughter, a two year old son, and one on the way! We like to keep them almost exactly two years apart because their birthdays are only separated by a week each. I recently bought a house and we are really excited about not renting anymore. 


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