Personal Philosophy Paper










Timothy Taylor

EDUC 630 Technology Practices for Instructional Improvement

Dr. Veronika Hardmin

May 15, 2024












            The pace in which education has used and integrated technology into education has been extreme. Thiry years ago, making graphs by hands, computing problems, and finding derivates and integrals were all done painstakingly by hand. Within a few short years though, the graphing calculator was invented and it has revolutionized the field of mathematics. Now complex computations and graphing can be done instantly using a calculator. That is not all of the technological advancements being made in education. Technology such as: 3D printers, virtual reality, and online classes have taken how students learned by storm Serin (2023).

            Technology at its best has revolutionized the way we live and learn. Mathematics has been no stranger to the digital age. According to Young (2023) 94% of public schools have access to the internet and 98% of those schools have incorporated technology in the classroom. Using such technology in the classroom is highly important in education because it allows for flexibility of the teacher to assign work and in grading. It can also be used to cater to the needs of the student, allowing for differentiation in learning without having to relentlessly pour over assignments and provide accommodations for each one.

            Technology has become the way that students learn because it is highly mobile. Computers have been replaced with laptops that can be carried on the go and used anywhere there is a Wi-Fi source. In the lower grades I have found that it is not uncommon to use tablets in for testing and building statistics on a child. Lastly, where would technology in the classroom be without the cellphone. Some educators and administrators see cell phones as a distraction to the learning environment, others have used this tool in order to further educational purposes. Kahoot! Is one example of a game that can be played on the phone. QR codes are also popular with teachers that seek to leverage phone usage in the classroom for education purposes.

            The importance of technology cannot be overstated. The integration of technology into classrooms, “…fosters student engagement and improved learning outcomes (Young).” What it means for the everyday educator is that this is a tool, not to be feared but to be utilized to the fullest extent possible. In urban schools, digital tools are used to create an educational program that is tailored to each students needs (Young). We can inspire students not only to understand mathematics, but to gain computer competence in an era of digital programs (Serin).

            Educators who refuse to utilize technology are at a loss. Technology is seen to lead to greater motivation, improved learning outcomes, and have better problem-solving capabilities. The use of technology, “is necessary to prepare students for the world we live in (Hustutler, 2018.” The rise of online schools is indicative of education systems using these electronic tools to the greatest extent possible. This learning style allows for blending learning programs Hostutler (2018). It creates an environment where students are engaged and actively doing their work and participating in the learning process.

            Teachers must use technology in schools because of the employability of students once they graduate from school and go into their trades or higher education. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in the next few years over 300,000 jobs will be created in the world of information technology. Even more jobs will be created that utilizes technology from blue collar jobs such as factory workers (automation and robotics) to white collar jobs that involve using technology in a variety of ways such as cybersecurity, cloud management, and help desk jobs.

            In states such as Texas and Pennsylvania, the state standardized tests are all being done on computers for faster grading. In Texas especially the Texas Department of Education is starting to implement artificial intelligence (AI) to grade standardized tests to reduce the cost from having to hire graders (Peters, 2024). Since tests that are used for school accountability and funding are being done online, it is imperative that students gain these skills in order to succeed where schools need them to the most. That is not to say that all grading positions will be eliminated, Texas still plans to employ some graders to regrade about a quarter of the results.

            In 1 Corinthians 9:20-23 Paul stated to the church of Corinth:

To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”

The world is becoming moving into a digital age. It is irresponsible to not use technology in the classroom. As Paul states that in order to win students for the world and for Christ we must be active in the world and what the world is doing. Right now, that is learning how to use and implement technology in classrooms and beyond.

            I am very big in using technology anywhere I can in a lesson. When I was a history teacher, I used to show videos of what life was like on the battlefield during World War 1 (WWI) and World War 2 (WW2). It is a very sobering experience seeing the battle through soldier’s eyes and hearing them talk about their experiences and how grave it was. It brings history to life in a way that I cannot do.

            Now that I am a special education teacher life is a little different for me. I teach resource so I am less in front of a screen all day teaching lessons and more providing hands-on instruction in targeted areas to meet my students’ needs. That is not to say I do not use technology in my classroom, we learn best when we are having fun. So I use various games that were invented to help strengthen student knowledge that they then take back to their classes. In both teaching positions I know that I did my best to provide positive experiences in my students.


English Standard Version. (2016). Crossway Publishers.


Hostutler, M. (2018). Technology in the Classroom: Rights and Responsibilities of Teachers.




Peters, K. (2024). Texas will use computers to grade written answers on this year’s STAAR tests.

Texas Tribune.


Serin H. (2023). The Role of Technology in Mathematics Education: Promoting Student

Achievement. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies. 10(2).390 - 395.


Young, J. The Role of Technology in Enhancing Urban Mathematics Education. Journal of

Urban Mathematics Education. 16(2).


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